The past week has been a busy one for Kellan. On Thursday we visited his daycare since he started today. Kellan met his teachers and several of the kids in his class. He flirted with the teachers and won them over in a heartbeat! They seem really nice. He played for about an hour and seemed to enjoy himself. He's the oldest in his class and by FAR the smallest!
Friday Kellan's two bottom teeth broke through his gums! You can't see much of them yet, but you can definitely feel them! I'm going to miss his big toothless grins!
This weekend we visited Friona. He saw his Memuh and Pops (or G-dad not sure which yet!). He visited his grandpa and great Gram in Bovina. He got to feed some cows and hang out with his Aunt Christy. We even got to see his Memaw and Grandad! Busy weekend!
Then, today he started daycare. Of course we were nervous. We weren't sure how we would feel about leaving him with strangers away from his home. Ty and I both dropped him off. He went to his teacher then started to cry. We wondered if we were prepared for this. Then, I stayed while one of his teachers fee him breakfast. After he ate he started playing and smiling. I kisses him and he waved bye-bye! It was do cute! I knew he would be ok! He had a good day we are enjoying our evening!