This blog is to share information about our son, Kellan White. He was born 9 weeks 2 days early. Kellan is in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. We want all our friends and family to be able to watch Kellan's progress and growth!

Monday, December 10, 2012

5x7 Folded Card

Happy In Joy Christmas Card
Turn your favorite pictures into personalized Christmas cards.
View the entire collection of cards.

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Super Cheesy!

11 months...really? I can't believe how fast the time has gone. Kellan's growing and doing great. He's so close to walking! I'm sure he's going to take off any day. Not sure his mom and dad are ready! He's hard to keep up with now!
I love this smile! You can't beat it!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Crawling in the Grass

Feels kinda weird!

First Trip to the Zoo!

I'm not sure Kellan was impressed...

More Adventures: Some Good, Some Not-So-Good

Kellan managed to stay in daycare for three whole days before getting sick. :(  He ended up with a viral infection. No quick fix. We just had to let it run it's course. His fever was a little scary for one night. Just when we thought Kellan was getting well, he totally went backwards on Labor Day. After another trip to the doctor, we found Kellan had an ear infection, too. After some antibiotics and drops for pain, he was on the mend!

While this is going on, the boy managed to sprout his first two teeth! I really thought I would miss his big toothless grin, but the little chompers are pretty cute! Just one more sign that our "little" boy won't be a baby much longer!

Then, this weekend Kellan took two steps! He's getting so big, so fast! If only there was a pause button for kids!

Monday, August 27, 2012

Busy Week!

The past week has been a busy one for Kellan. On Thursday we visited his daycare since he started today. Kellan met his teachers and several of the kids in his class. He flirted with the teachers and won them over in a heartbeat! They seem really nice. He played for about an hour and seemed to enjoy himself. He's the oldest in his class and by FAR the smallest!

Friday Kellan's two bottom teeth broke through his gums! You can't see much of them yet, but you can definitely feel them! I'm going to miss his big toothless grins!

This weekend we visited Friona. He saw his Memuh and Pops (or G-dad not sure which yet!). He visited his grandpa and great Gram in Bovina. He got to feed some cows and hang out with his Aunt Christy. We even got to see his Memaw and Grandad! Busy weekend!

Then, today he started daycare. Of course we were nervous. We weren't sure how we would feel about leaving him with strangers away from his home. Ty and I both dropped him off. He went to his teacher then started to cry. We wondered if we were prepared for this. Then, I stayed while one of his teachers fee him breakfast. After he ate he started playing and smiling. I kisses him and he waved bye-bye! It was do cute! I knew he would be ok! He had a good day we are enjoying our evening!

Friday, August 10, 2012

Fun with Dad

Dad got Kellan a new toy! It was really hard to tell who had more fun!

9 Month Check Up

Kellan had his 9 month check up last week. The doctor was very pleased with everything! He weighed 15 pounds 12.8 ounces. He is 27 3/4 inches long. He still isn't on the growth curve for his weight, but he's in the 25-50 percentile for his length! That was a big surprise!
Developmentally the doctor said he's advanced. She said most term babies are pulling up at 11 months. Kellan beat that by two months!
This kid just keeps amazing people!

Sunday, July 29, 2012

All smiles

Always busy!

9 months!

It's been forever since we've posted! It's hard to find the time. Kellan's changing and growing so fast, we will try to do better.
This biggest change recently is that he's mobile! And when I say mobile, I mean he's everywhere! It's like this kid crawls in super speed! I can't imagine what it will be like when he walks...trouble! :)
Speaking of walking, I think that's just around the corner. Kellan pulls up on everything! Every now and then he gets brave and lets go. It doesn't last long but he's getting there (whether I'm ready or not!).

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Kellan's New Kicks!

Ready to run fast and jump high!

Tub Time!

Kellan's first bath in his big boy tub. He finally outgrew the tub from the hospital. He loved his bath!

Cousins Clay and Lauren Visiting!

Our Special Gift!

In a One Horse Open Sleigh...

Okay, I guess we're missing the horse! I know it's been forever since we have posted, but things have been really busy since we brought Kellan home. We've really been enjoying him. He's doing great and getting big! We've had weekly weight checks and the doctor is very pleased with his progress. He weighed 7 pounds 3 ounces this Tuesday. He is 19 inches long.
He is able to hold his head up pretty well. And the big news is he can roll over from his tummy to his back!
We had a follow up appointment with his opthamologist. He had an eye exam. We were told that the blood vessels in his eyes are completely grown out, meaning his eyes are fine. We don't have to go back to the eye doctor any more. Thank goodness! Those were traumatic appointments.
We are so proud of Kellan's progress!

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Sweet Face!

Ty bought scales for us at home. Being in the NICU, you become obsessed with weight! Now we can weigh Kellan any time we want! Last night he weighed 6 pounds 1.5 ounces! We should have a Six Pound Party! :)

Our Little Hatchling!

Sleepy Boy!

Just a-Swingin'!

Transition Time

The transition from the hospital to home has been harder than expected. Kellan has had a hard time sleeping at night, which means that mom and dad have too! It's getting better, slowly but surely.

First Doctor's Appoitment

We saw Kellan's pediatrician for the first time on Tuesday, January 3rd. The check-up went well. He weighed 5 pounds 12.8 ounces, not much of a gain but still a gain. We have to go in for weight checks every week or two for a little while.

Going Home!

After everything went well Friday night, we were able to be discharged home Saturday, December 31st. Kellan weighed 5 pounds 12 ounces at discharge. He went home on oxygen to be used for his bottle feedings. We were so excited!
Kellan had a special outfit to go home in! And mom and dad had a little fun taking pictures!

Rooming In!!

We roomed in with Kellan on Friday, December 30th. We had room in the hospital and Kellan stayed with us. We did everything for him, just like it would be at home. Kellan did pretty well. He was really restless that night. It seemed like he knew things were about to change!

Friday, January 6, 2012

Busy Days!

The last pictures posted were of Christmas day.  We have many exciting things to tell you all about since then!  In the days following Christmas, Kellan did really well.  We began using oxygen only for his feedings, and Kellan started eating from either the breast or the bottle at every feeding. He received his 2 month immunizations on the 27th and they didn't bother him much at all because by Wednesday the 28th we were doing most of his breast feeding sessions without oxygen. All the right things seemed to happen, and we were able to do the car seat challenge on the Thursday after Christmas.  This test seems a bit silly at first, basically they put Kellan in his car seat and leave him there hooked up to the monitors for about 2 1/2 hours.  They want to make sure his heart and lungs do what they are supposed to in that situation for an extended period of time.  Kellan had no trouble with this at all!  So it was time to room in!