This blog is to share information about our son, Kellan White. He was born 9 weeks 2 days early. Kellan is in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. We want all our friends and family to be able to watch Kellan's progress and growth!

Sunday, July 29, 2012

All smiles

Always busy!

9 months!

It's been forever since we've posted! It's hard to find the time. Kellan's changing and growing so fast, we will try to do better.
This biggest change recently is that he's mobile! And when I say mobile, I mean he's everywhere! It's like this kid crawls in super speed! I can't imagine what it will be like when he walks...trouble! :)
Speaking of walking, I think that's just around the corner. Kellan pulls up on everything! Every now and then he gets brave and lets go. It doesn't last long but he's getting there (whether I'm ready or not!).