This blog is to share information about our son, Kellan White. He was born 9 weeks 2 days early. Kellan is in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. We want all our friends and family to be able to watch Kellan's progress and growth!

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Watch Me Grow!

These prints were taken at birth and tonight. Big difference!
Tonight Kellan weighed 4 pounds 9 ounces!
He was 16 and 3/4 inches long.
His head circumference was 12.2 inches!
He's getting to be a big boy!
Kellan has had a few special visitors this week. His Aunt Holly visited yesterday. His Aunt Terry and cousin Keith visited today!

One Month Old!

Kellan is one month old today! Sometimes it feels like we have only blinked since he was born. Other times it feels like an eternity! He's made huge strides in one short month. We are so proud of his progress!
Today we reached another milestone...the Open Crib! He passed the challenge. He has a "big boy" bed. That's one step closer to being home! Happy birthday, Kellan!

Monday, November 28, 2011

Bath time with Memuh!

Kellan enjoying time with Memuh!


We had another good day. We are in the middle of our Open Crib Challenge. Basically, the turn the radiant heater off in Kellan's bed. They swaddle him and check his temperature for 24 hours. If he is able to maintain his body temperature, then he can be moved into an open crib. That would be one step closer to going home! The Challenge is over at about 2 pm tomorrow (Tuesday). Fingers crossed!


Sunday was a busy day for Kellan! He breast fed three times and had another tub bath, courtesy of Memuh.
Kellan also had his first olive oil massage. Yes, you read right, olive oil massage. We thought it sounded weird too. Ty literally rubbed Kellan down with olive oil, Kellan loved it! His skin was so soft and it can give him a few extra calories as well.
Kellan weighed 4 pounds 7 ounces! He'll be 5 pounds before we know it!

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Four Weeks Old

Yesterday Kellan was four weeks old. Time has gone so fast!
He had another really good day! They moved him out of the room with Screaming Mimi. He had a much more relaxed day without all the crying!
We started breast feeding three times a day. Kellan did wonderful! Before they were supplementing the breast feeding with half of the feeding through his feeding tube, but not yesterday! He took his entire feeding by nursing all three times!
Kellan gained weight too! He weighed 4 pounds 5 ounces last night! He's growing so fast!

Friday, November 25, 2011

Spending Black Friday with the White Baby

That joke was for you Jake!
Today Kellan weighed 4 pounds 3 ounces again. No major weight gain or loss. He has a new neighbor. A girl we affectionately refer to as Screaming Mimi. She cries all the time! And she's huge! She is 11 pounds. Needless to say she makes Kellan look scrawny! She could make a three month old look scrawny for that matter! So, Kellan has decided he doesn't like girls much!
I love Kellan's smile in this picture!

Thursday, November 24, 2011


As I sit here holding my son, I can't help but think that while this may not have been the way I planned to spend Thanksgiving, but it's been amazing.
Ty and I have so much to be thankful for. Our son amazes us everyday. We have been given the opportunity to watch him grow and develop ahead of schedule. He's growing incredibly fast!
We are grateful for the stellar care he has received from the nursing staff, nurse practitioners, physicians, respiratory therapists, and anyone I may have forgotten.
We are thankful for our family! Those that are related by blood and those friends who have been like family to us! We couldn't make it through this without each one of you! Your support keeps us strong!
I am grateful for my amazing partner. His strength is astounding. He's already the best dad in the world. I love you, Ty! And I love our family!
Happy Thanksgiving from Ty, Amber, and Kellan!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Boys Will Be Boys

Kellan had another tub bath today. He still loves the water! His nurse was holding him while I washed his hair. She got a funny look on her face and said, "What's that?" She moved him away from her and wouldn't you know....huge wet spot! Kellan totally got her! She was great about it! Kellan couldn't have cared less! Sorry Sandra!! I guess boys will be boys!

A new room

Kellan was moved to a new room in the nicu 2 nights ago. Changing rooms is a great thing, it means he was doing so well they promoted him! Tonight he weighed 4 lbs. 3 oz. he is gaining about an ounce a day. We are up to 35 cc on his feedings. He is looking better each and every day!

Monday, November 21, 2011

4 pounds!

We did it, he officially weighed 4 lbs. 1 oz. today! Kellan is packing on the pounds. He eats every 3 hours and is also getting a snack from mom during skin to skin time.

All Clean!

Tub Time

Three Pounds Fifteen Ounces!

That's right, tonight Kellan weighed 3 pounds 15.8 ounces! He is right at that 4 pound mark!
Sunday was bath day. Ty gave Kellan his first tub bath. Kellan loved it! We did skin to skin twice. It was a great day!

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Special Day

Yesterday Mr. Kellan White weighed 3 pounds 12 ounces. He's up to 32 cc every three hours.
The best part was we got to practice breast feeding. Due to his age we didn't expect much, but Kellan in amazing! Things went really well. Now we get to practice twice each day. He is still being fed through a feeding tube, but its great practice! This is such special time for Kellan and I! It's the highlight of my day!!

Our Little Family

We couldn't be more proud!!

Friday, November 18, 2011

More Good News

Today was a big day for our little Kellan! He finished his IV antibiotics, so they discontinued his IV! No more IVs!!
Tonight Kellan weighed 3 pounds 11 ounces. He is still on a little less than one liter of oxygen.
Ty and I were able to hold Kellan skin to skin twice today. This was the first time to hold twice in one day.
Also, he had his last head ultrasound today. Everything was normal! We don't have to worry about him having a bleed in his brain. What a huge relief!!
Today was a really good day!
Grandpa and Gram came for a visit today too!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Baby steps

Today Kellan had his first weight gain in 4 days! He is currently at 3 lbs. 9 oz. and he has grown 1.5 inches since he was born. We are finally up to full 30cc feedings and we are looking forward to putting on the pounds!! Tonight he is enjoying time with his mom kangaroo style. God I love this kid!

Holding Hands with Dad

Moving Forward

Yesterday was a much better day for Kellan. He was up to 29 cc every three hours. He LOVED skin to skin time with dad last night! They discontinued his IV fluids! He weighed three pounds eight ounces last night.
Today was bath day again! Kellan had a good sponge bath! Maybe on Sunday we can give him his first tub bath. Kellan is on full feedings at 30 cc every three hours. That's one ounce! He only has three doses of IV antibiotics left. We will be finished after the 1130 pm dose tomorrow night. That means no more IVs!!! We can't wait!

Monday, November 14, 2011

What a Day

Today was one of those days when you realize how incredibly helpless and powerless you are.
Last night Kellan had a tough time. He required more oxygen than normal, which concerned the doctor and nurse practitioner. This morning when listening to Kellan's heart, the nurse practitioner thought his murmur was louder than the day before. They were worried that there was something very serious wrong with his heart ( a PDA). This would require special medication or surgery. So, they did an echocardiogram. Thankfully it was all normal, but for about four hours we were worried sick.
Kellan also had to receive a blood transfusion. This is very common in premies because they can't make red blood cells yet.
Kellan has extra fluid on his lungs so he was given a diuretic in hopes that it would pull off the extra fluid.
Yes, today was one of those days when you understand why your parents said you gave them grey hair! All that said, Kellan looked great tonight. His color was better and he was more alert than he has been.
I thought tonight's picture pretty much summed up the day!

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Big Boy Isolet

Today was an eventful day! It was bath day! And Kellan got a new isolet! This is a sign of growth. He no longer needs all of the specialized equipment that comes with a giraffe bed. The isolet still keeps him warm, but it doesn't provide humidity.
Last night Kellan weighed 3 pounds 9 ounces. This showed a 2 ounce weight loss. Today he went up to 23 cc per feeding. He's done well today!

Holding Hands with Mom

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Kellan's Heart

Dr. Subani listened to Kellan's heart earlier today. It took him a while to hear the murmur. He thinks it is benign and Kellan will likely outgrow it! No intervention is needed, not even an echocardiogram. Whew! Mom and dad were worried!

Two Weeks Old Today

Kellan and I are enjoying skin to skin today!

Grinning at Memuh

Ups and Downs

One of the first things you're told as the parent of a baby in NICU is that there will be ups and downs. Sometimes it seems like one step forward and two steps back.
Last night Kellan weighed 3 pounds 11 ounces. Yesterday they discontinued his TPN (IV nutrition) because he is halfway to full feeds! They weaned his oxygen flow from one liter per minute to half a liter per minute.
The culture from the lumbar puncture has come back negative, meaning his spinal fluid was not infected by the staph. They repeated the blood cultures and we are waiting on results. Aunt Kelsey came for a visit yesterday! Kellan loved it!
Now for the down. Yesterday the nurses identified a murmur in Kellan's heart. We were assured that this is very common for babies his age. Sometimes they out grow it. Sometimes no treatment is needed. We are waiting for the doctors to listen to his heart today to determine what type of murmur it is and how severe.
That being said, Kellan still looks wonderful and is progressing well! Keep praying for our little family!

Friday, November 11, 2011

Another Good Day

Kellan is doing really well being on high flow oxygen. He's on one liter per minute. They are increasing his feedings to 17cc every three hours today. He weighed 3 pounds 10 ounces last night! That's a 4 ounce weight gain in one day!
Grandpa came for a visit last night, too. He didn't change Kellan's diaper, but he held his hand a while! It was another good day!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Major Milestone

Kellan continues to amaze us! We had another great night of skin to skin. I love that! He weighed 3 pounds 6 ounces last night. They increased his feelings to 14 cc every three hours.
But the big news today more Sipap!! He's only on oxygen and his blood gas was great, meaning he's getting enough oxygen in his blood. What a great day! This afternoon he has a "man" date with dad for skin to skin.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

BIG yawn!

Good day!

Kellan is having a good day today! His feedings were increased to 11 cc every three hours! They decreased the rate on the Sipap to 10. If he continues to do well on this setting, then maybe he can switch to Cpap tomorrow! He had another bath and didn't seem to mind it too much!
He weighed 3 pounds 5 ounces last night. And he loved skin to skin with dad! Aunt Christy came by for a visit too!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Breathing Treatments

Kellan also had to start breathing treatments and CPT today. He's not crazy about the breathing treatments. Hopefully this will help clear his lungs so he can get off the SiPap sooner!
This is a picture of the CPT machine. It's tiny! It seems just like a little baby massage. Kellan loved it!

Tough Day

Well, we got the results of Kellan's blood cultures from Friday. Positive for staph. That means 10 days of IV vancomycin. :(
The worst part was they had to do a lumbar puncture. The nurse said he handled it like a champ, though. She said he only squeaked once! He's such a big boy! Kellan also got a "big boy" pacifier today!

Kellan's Hiccups!

Watch this video of Kellan hiccuping, he makes the cutest noise ever to come out of a baby!

Kellan's Ta

Ruth was able to help with Kellan on Sunday! He finally got to meet this crazy lady he's been listening to for seven months!
Also, for those of you who know Ruth, I took pictures of her taking his temperature so you would believe me! Kellan loves his Ta!

Day 10 of Life

Yesterday, Monday, Kellan was 10 days old. He had another great day. His feelings were increased to 6.5 cc every three hours. He is still tolerating his feeds. He also met his Memaw last night!
He seems so much more comfortable on SiPap. His heart rate is lower and his respiratory rate is lower too! He weighed 3 pounds 3 ounces!
I also had another amazing opportunity to hold him skin to skin. I can't get enough of this kid!

Monday, November 7, 2011

More Good News

Things just keep getting better with Kellan! Today he weighed 3 pounds 3 ounces.
His feedings were increased to 5 cc every 3 hours. His tummy loves it!
And we got the results of his head ultrasound. Everything was normal! No enlarged ventricles, no abnormalities, and no evidence of bleeds!!
This picture is of Kellan right after skin to skin with Ty. He's worn out! Doesn't he look comfy, though?!

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Kellan's First Outfit

Kellan had his very first bath today! He was pretty mad about the whole thing. Typical boy!!
This is his first outfit! Isn't he the cutest looking elf you've ever seen?!

Male bonding

I understand why Amber said there are not words to describe how she'd felt last night! I am speechless at the moment I shared with Kellan during our skin to skin time. I loved how he felt breathing on my neck, and how his smell was so intoxicating. I loved the noises he made as he snuggled into my chest, signaling that I was a comfortable place for him to lay. I am overwhelmed to say the least, what a great night!

No more ventilator!

As of 9:30 this morning we are off the vent and back on SiPap! What a great morning!

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Best Dad in the World

Date Night

Tonight was amazing! Our nurse let me hold Kellan skin to skin for the first time since he was born. I got to hold my beautiful baby boy for three hours. We both loved it. He snuggled into my chest. I am completely, irreversibly, head over heals in love with this boy. Dad helped calm Kellan several times. Kellan loves Ty's big, strong hands on his back. Dad read us books, too! Best date night EVER!


Kellan had such a wonderful day today! They were able to wean his ventilator settings to a rate of 18. He's really close to being extubated.

They also increased his feeds to 3.5 cc every three hours. He's tolerating that beautifully!

We passed the 3 pound mark! He weighed 3 pounds 2 ounces today!

So much progress and he's only one week old! We are so proud!

Yay Poop!

Last night Ty and I got a scary call from Kellan's nurse. She explained that she was worried about him because his tummy was really full, he had a fever, and he wasn't acting himself. We went to the hospital to check on Kellan. They decided to run blood cultures, urine cultures, and other lab work. It was pretty traumatic for us and Kellan! They did an X-ray of his tummy and felt that everything looked alright. He finally settled down, and we left the hospital. We worried all night. Would our baby be ok? Did he have some kind of infection? He just didn't seem himself.

This morning we went to the hospital for the morning touch time. He looked great! His color was better. His tummy looked better, and the fever was gone. His nurse told us that early this morning Kellan had huge poopy diaper. That was all he needed! Ty and I never knew we would be so excited about poop! Yay poop! :)

Friday, November 4, 2011

Kellan's Hairy Back!

This was taken the day after he was born.  Kellan's hairy back is much cuter than mine!

I realize it's just lunago and it will probably fall out soon, but it made me proud! When he pooped the first time I was proud too, dad's are just weird like that!


Kellan was placed on a SiPap machine to help him breathe. He was able to stay on this machine until 12:00 Monday. Then, he was placed back on the ventilator because he wasn't getting quite enough oxygen.
The purple goggles in the picture are to protect his eyes, while he is under the bili-light. They use the bili-light to help treat jaundice.

Kellan's First Night

Initially Kellan was able to breathe on his own, but he tuckered out.

He was placed on a ventilator to help him breathe. During the night though, Kellan decided he didn't like being on the vent, so he pulled the tube out himself!

Posted by Amber White

Thursday, November 3, 2011

We had a baby!

At 8:45 p.m. on Saturday, October 29, 2011 Kellan Graham White was born by C-section. He weighed 2 lbs 15 ounces and was 15 1/4 inches long. His Apgars were 8 and 9! He was screaming and pink! It was the sweetest noise we have ever heard. He was born at almost 31 weeks gestation, meaning he was a little over 9 weeks early. For now he has to stay in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. He still has lots of growing to do!

Posted by Amber White

First Post

Ty and I had been anxiously awaiting the birth of our first son. He was due on January 2, 2012. However, Kellan had different plans. On Thursday, October 27, 2011 I was admitted to the hospital for elevated blood pressure, I was given numerous medications in an attempt to lower it. My pressure was finally under control on Friday, October 28th. They had to give me Magnesium also, in order to prevent seizures, because when your blood pressure is too high, you are a risk of having a seizure. During this time they checked the protein level in my urine, it was way too high. This showed that I had severe preeclampsia. There was no alternative, but to deliver the baby. I was induced late Friday night, but failed to progress. Also, the baby's heart rate began dipping down after each contraction. So...

Posted by Amber White