One of the first things you're told as the parent of a baby in NICU is that there will be ups and downs. Sometimes it seems like one step forward and two steps back.
Last night Kellan weighed 3 pounds 11 ounces. Yesterday they discontinued his TPN (IV nutrition) because he is halfway to full feeds! They weaned his oxygen flow from one liter per minute to half a liter per minute.
The culture from the lumbar puncture has come back negative, meaning his spinal fluid was not infected by the staph. They repeated the blood cultures and we are waiting on results. Aunt Kelsey came for a visit yesterday! Kellan loved it!
Now for the down. Yesterday the nurses identified a murmur in Kellan's heart. We were assured that this is very common for babies his age. Sometimes they out grow it. Sometimes no treatment is needed. We are waiting for the doctors to listen to his heart today to determine what type of murmur it is and how severe.
That being said, Kellan still looks wonderful and is progressing well! Keep praying for our little family!
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