This blog is to share information about our son, Kellan White. He was born 9 weeks 2 days early. Kellan is in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. We want all our friends and family to be able to watch Kellan's progress and growth!

Monday, November 14, 2011

What a Day

Today was one of those days when you realize how incredibly helpless and powerless you are.
Last night Kellan had a tough time. He required more oxygen than normal, which concerned the doctor and nurse practitioner. This morning when listening to Kellan's heart, the nurse practitioner thought his murmur was louder than the day before. They were worried that there was something very serious wrong with his heart ( a PDA). This would require special medication or surgery. So, they did an echocardiogram. Thankfully it was all normal, but for about four hours we were worried sick.
Kellan also had to receive a blood transfusion. This is very common in premies because they can't make red blood cells yet.
Kellan has extra fluid on his lungs so he was given a diuretic in hopes that it would pull off the extra fluid.
Yes, today was one of those days when you understand why your parents said you gave them grey hair! All that said, Kellan looked great tonight. His color was better and he was more alert than he has been.
I thought tonight's picture pretty much summed up the day!

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