This blog is to share information about our son, Kellan White. He was born 9 weeks 2 days early. Kellan is in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. We want all our friends and family to be able to watch Kellan's progress and growth!

Monday, November 7, 2011

More Good News

Things just keep getting better with Kellan! Today he weighed 3 pounds 3 ounces.
His feedings were increased to 5 cc every 3 hours. His tummy loves it!
And we got the results of his head ultrasound. Everything was normal! No enlarged ventricles, no abnormalities, and no evidence of bleeds!!
This picture is of Kellan right after skin to skin with Ty. He's worn out! Doesn't he look comfy, though?!


  1. Amber,
    I am so glad you are sharing. He is a beautiful boy and I am so happy he is doing well. You will all 3 continue to be in my prayers!

  2. He's so cute!!! Congrats and I'm praying for you and your family. I've been in your shoes 6 years ago, trust me...It does get better and easier!
    Joni Tversky
