This blog is to share information about our son, Kellan White. He was born 9 weeks 2 days early. Kellan is in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. We want all our friends and family to be able to watch Kellan's progress and growth!

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Just Riding the Rollercoaster

Kellan underwent an upper GI and dysphasiagram. The upper GI showed what Ty and I knew. Kellan has severe reflux. The dysphasiagram showed that when he refluxes it does not go into his airway or his lungs. His suck/swallow mechanism is strong. So now we are cutting back on breast feeding to three times per day. He has three bottles of breast milk thickened with rice cereal. And we are tube feeding twice per day. Complicated, right?? At this point whatever works is fine!
Kellan now weighs 5 pounds 6 ounces. He's still on oxygen, but we changed to a regular nasal canula. He's on .8 liters at 21%, which is room air (you and I are breathing 21% oxygen now). I think we are slowly moving back up from our dip down!
We were given this advice from a good friend. "It'll be a long time before you come of this roller coaster, so Ty and I need to share some cotton candy and a funnel cake and enjoy the ride!"

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